Episode 10: Kalyn Wright

Kalyn Wright is my aunt, though she felt much like an older sister since she is only 10 years older than me and spent many of her summers at my home. She had a completely different childhood from the rest of her family which set her on a life trajectory much different than any of her brothers and sisters.  She was the youngest of 7 children, with her oldest sibling being 20 years older. She was raised mostly as an only child after her father died when she was just 12. From spending her early childhood raised on a farm in rural South Dakota to graduating High School in a large city in Arizona. She talks about how the fatherless teen years shaped her and made her who she is today.  She has and deeply loves four biological children, but only able to know two of them. She lost contact with two of her children due to incarceration in her 20s and was never able to get reconnected with them after being released from prison. I could go on and on, but I want you to hear this interview. This interview is proof that you just can’t predict life on genetics alone and you can’t judge a person on their past. She currently lives with her husband and 2 kids in an RV somewhere in the lower 48 United States as an entrepreneur and home schooler. 


Episode 11: Sarah Spurlock


Episode 09: Kate Schwindt